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We Must Fight the Hellenists!!!

Tonight is the 7th night of Chanuka... but it is also the goyish "New Year". Funny that. The "new year" of the hellenists has fallen on the day of their crushing defeat at the hands of the few Jews of great Faith... On the very day that they get drunk and party, we know that we defeated them all those centuries ago - and will yet defeat them again. But it is still indeed an intruiging situation to find ourselves in. Why are things being "rubbed in our face" in such a way?

The lights of the Menorah show our victory over the hellenists - but their xmas lights and "new year" celebrations are their reply. They are shoving this in our faces and it has to stop! How DARE they celebrate their hideous "new year" in our Land?! How DARE they celebrate their service of the "man-god" idol IN OUR LAND!?

Is this not the greatest insult?!

So I put it forward to Jews of all stripes and colours - do not celebrate this "new year". It's not ours - and why should we want it anyway?

Look at the murderous history that the xtian "new year" has towards us Jews: http://www.arutzsheva.com/news.php3?id=95750

It's time to fight against hellenism and this is the ideal time - when their festivals clash with ours! When the choice is shown to us in such a stark, undeniable way. This year has seen it happen once before: Rosh HaShana clashed with both Ramadan and a Greek Orthodox festival for the first time in many many years. All faithful Jews must see this as a sign from HaShem. The battle-cry has been called - let's step up to the task! Let this JEWISH Year (which was kicked off with that very battle-cry on Rosh HaShana) be a year of victory for us and one of defeat for them.

If WE don't act (from Rosh HaShana), then THEY will act (from their "new year" of sodomy).

This clash of Chanuka and the non-Jewish new year should be a great opportunity for introspection. The Maccabim beat the hellenists once - but that is not enough.

It is time to put aside our petty differences and knock them down one last time...

I'd say "the war has begun," but we have been fighting it already for a long time - we just weren't all aware of it...

Chanuka Sameach.

Who's Afraid of Hamas?

Cries of dismay could be heard simultaneously from all directions when the PA announced that Hamas would be permitted to run in both local and parliamentary elections. In protest, Israel barred voting from taking place in Jerusalem, and the US and EU threatened to withhold funding if Hamas is permitted to participate. Security officials in Israel and abroad warn about the dire situation that will occurr if Hamas is allowed to take over an that there is a real fear of them winning a majority in Gaza and other major cities in the West Bank.

It has always puzzled me that Hamas has continually been a taboo subject for both Israelis and world leaders. Arafat and his successors in the PLO have been deemed "partners in peace". Convicted mass murderer Marwan Barghouti is a "legitimate candidate" and there are even calls to release him from jail so that he can campaign, Azmi Bishara and Ahmed Tibi regularly call for the destruction of Israel from WITHIN the Israeli Knesset and no one says a word, but Heaven Forfend Hamas should be permitted to run!

It doesn't take much research or critical thought to realize that there is NO negotiable difference between the PA. Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, or Hizbollah, the Israeli Arab political parties or any other Arab terror group. All of these organizations are directly involved in terrorism, the routine murder of Jews and work towards the eventual destruction of the State of Israel. The time has come to stop whitewashing arch terrorist Arafat and his good old boys and treat them as what they are- wolves in sheep's clothing. Are we really supposed to trust Abu Mazen, whose PHD dissertation was a flamboyant piece of holocaust revisionism? Does Fatah, or the Al-Aksa brigades, the official military wing of the PA, have any less blood on its hands than its radical rivals in green? Was Arafat not directly responsible for killing the most number of Jews since Hitler and Stalin? It is time to take the wool off of our eyes and call a spade a spade. The PA is no better than Hamas and their goals are the same. The only difference is their tactics and willingness to use deception to achieve them.

There is however, ONE major difference between Hamas and the PA. The PA is rife with corruption and is in essence nothing more than a government sanctioned mafia. A party which has completely lost touch with the will of the people, has been stealing their money for years and is widely viewed as willing to sacrifice ideology for money power and prestige. Hamas on the other hand, is seen as the honest ideological party, the "party of the people" so to speak, and that is why they are becoming more and more popular. This is not only in theory, they managed to do very well in many municipal elections especially in big cities such as Schem.

If Hamas were merely some marginal fringe party the powers that be would have no problem with them running and showing poorly in the polls. The fact is that they have a very good chance at winning, or at least taking a significant percentage of the electorate. This is why they are so feared and why there is so much pressure to exclude them from the elections.

But why should we be afraid of Hamas? Haven't we already established that from a standpoint of terrorism or ideology they are no worse than the current regime? Wouldn't their victory mean a major decrease in corruption and mishandling of funds which are meant to go to the "Palestinian people"? Why are the very people who for so long demanded free elections in Palestine, now attempting to censor the ballot? Don't "free elections" and the democratic process trump every other political concern? Shouldn't the "Palestinian People" be permitted to vote for whomever they choose, not a pre-decided set of candidates who will maintain the status quo?

The real reason that there is so much international opposition to Hamas is obvious: If they are permitted to run and then win or do well at the polls it will unequivocally prove to the world once and for all that the "Palestinian People" = Hamas. The Emperor will be naked and the lies that have been fed to us since the Oslo accords about the "moderate peace loving majority" of the "Palestinian People" will finally be exposed as complete fabrications and political sophistry. It will show that in a TRUE free election, the Palestinians will not vote for peace or compromise, they will vote for HAMAS, in essence a vote to continue the campaign of murder and mayhem until no Jew is left on Palestinian soil. They will vote for radical Islam and not Western Democracy or Liberalism. They will choose the battlefield over the negotiating table and the sick game we have been playing will finally be over. In the end, the "Palestinians will not even settle for the trojan horse, "jack in a box" called the PA, who is more discrete about its goals and tactics. They want the real thing -Hamas -Terrorism no holds barred.....

So why not let the Arab inhabitants of Israel finally vote their conscience? Why not allow them to have a truly free and unencumbered election? Why not once and for all allow them to show their true colors to the world publicly embarrassing the EU, UN, US State Department and most of all the Israeli Left who for so long have tried to cover up their atrocities, squarely placing the blame on Israel's shoulders? There is an old expression in Yiddish "A good enemy is better than a bad friend." We all know where Hamas stands, wouldn't we be in a far better position dealing with them than a lying cheating PA who says one thing in English and the opposite in Arabic? Why not finally let the truth come out; that the Arabs of Israel actively seek its destruction and MUST be treated like enemies of the State instead of "partners in peace". They must be fought against and expelled not given more concessions and "confidence building measures". Because if they will be allowed to vote, their "confidence" in Hamas and radical Islamic terrorism will be as clear as day and no amount of rationalization or political maneuvering will be able to cover that up. Let Hamas run, let the Arabs once and for all show their true intentions. And if they run I hope they win, because as strange as it may sound, A Victory for Hamas is a Victory for Israel!

Down With Hanukah!!!

Down With Hanukah!!!
By Rabbi Meir Kahane HY"D

One of my favorite articles of all time written by the Rav--KRebbe

If I were a Reform rabbi; if I were a leader of the establishment whose money and prestige have succeeded in capturing for himself the leadership and voice of American Jewry; if I were one of the members of the Israeli Government's ruling group; if I were an enlightened sophisticated, modern Jewish intellectual, I would climb the barricades and join in battle against that most dangerous of all Jewish holidays - Hanukah.

It is a measure of the total ignorance of the world Jewish community that there is no holiday that is more universally celebrated than the "Feast of Lights," and it is an equal measure of the intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy of Jewish leadership that it plays along with the lie. For if ever there was a holiday that stands for everything that the masses of world Jewry and their leadership has rejected - it is this one. If one would find an event that is truly rooted in everything that Jews of our times and their leaders have rejected and, indeed, attacked - it is this one. If there is any holiday that is more "un-Jewish" in the sense of our modern beliefs and practices - I do not know of it.

The Hanukah that has erupted unto the world Jewish scene in all its childishness, asininity, shallowness, ignorance and fraud is not the Hanukah of reality. The Hanukah that came into vogue because Jewish parents - in their vapidness needed something to counteract Christmas; that exploded in a show of "we-have-lights-just-as-our- goyisha-neighbors" and in an effort to reward our spoiled children with eight gifts instead of the poor Christian one; the Hanukah that the Temple, under its captive Rabbi, turned into a school pageant so that the beaming parents might think that the Religious School is really successful instead of the tragic joke and waste that it really is; the Hanukah that speaks of Jewish Patrick Henrys giving-me- liberty-or-death and that pictures the Maccabees as great liberal saviors who fought so that the kibbutzim might continue to be free to preach their Marx and eat their ham, that the split-level dwellers of suburbia might be allowed to violate their Sabbath in perfect freedom and the Reform and Conservative Temples continue to fight for civil rights for Blacks, Puerto Ricans and Jane Fonda, is not remotely connected with reality.

This is not the Hanukah of our ancestors, of the generations of Jews of Eastern Europe and Yemen and Morocco and Spain and Babylon. It is surely not the Hanukah for which the Maccabees themselves died. Truly, could those whom we honor so munificently, return and see what Hanukah has become, they might very well begin a second Maccabean revolt. For the life that we Jews lead today was the very cause, the real reason, for the revolt of the Jews "in those days in our times."

What happened in that era more than 2000 years ago? What led a handful of Jews to rise up in violence against the enemy? And precisely who was the enemy? What were they fighting for and who were they fighting against?

For years the people of Judea had been the vassals of Greece. True independence as a state had been unknown for all those decades and, yet, the Jews did not rise in revolt. It was only when the Greek policy shifted from mere political control to one that attempted to suppress the Jewish religion that the revolt erupted in all its bloodiness. It was not mere liberty that led to the Maccabean uprising that we so passionately applaud. What we are really cheering is a brave group of Jews who fought and plunged Judea into a bloodbath for the right to observe the Sabbath, to follow the laws of kashrut, to obey the laws of the Torah. In a world where everything about Hanukah that we commemorate, and teach our children to commemorate, are things we consider to be outmoded, medieval and childish!

At best, then, those who fought and died for Hanukah were naive and obscurantist. Had we lived in those days we would certainly not have done what they did, for everyone knows that the laws of the Torah are not really Divine but only the products of evolution and men (do not the Reform, Reconstructionist, and large parts of the Conservative movements write this daily?) Surely we would not have fought for that which we violate every day of our lives. No, at best Hanukah emerges as a needless holiday if not a foolish one. Poor Hannah and her seven children; poor Mattathias and Judah; poor well meaning chaps all - but hopelessly backward and utterly unnecessary sacrifices.

But there is more. Not only is Hanukah really a foolish and unnecessary holiday, it is also one that is dangerously fanatical and illiberal. The first act of rebellion, the first enemy who fell at the hands of the brave Jewish heroes whom our delightful children portray so cleverly in their Sunday and religious school pageants, was not a Greek. He was a Jew.

When the enemy sent his troops into Modin to set up an idol and demand its worship, it was a Jew who decided to exercise his freedom of pagan worship and who approached the altar to worship Zeus. (After all, what business was it of anyone what this fellow worshiped?) And it was this Jew, this apostate, this religious traitor who was struck down by the brave, glorious, courageous, (are these not the words all our Sunday schools use to describe him) Mattathias, as he shouted: "Whoever is for G-d, follow me!"

What have we here? What kind of religious intolerance and bigotry? What kind of a man is this for the anti-religious Ha'shomer Ha'tzair, the graceful temples of suburbia, the sophisticated intellectuals, the liberal, open-minded Jews and all the drones who have wearied us unto death with the concept of Judaism as a humanistic, open-minded, undogmatic, liberal, universalist (if not Marxist) religion, to honor? What kind of nationalism is this for Shimon Peres (he who rejects the 'Galut' and speaks of the proud, free Jew of ancient Judea and Israel)?

And to crush us even more (we who know that Judaism is a faith of peace which deplores violence), what kind of Jews were these who reacted to oppression with force? Surely we who so properly have deplored Jewish violence as fascistic, immoral and (above all) un- Jewish, stand in horror as we contemplate Jews who declined to picket the Syrian Greeks to death and who rejected quiet diplomacy for the sword, spear and arrow (had there been bombs in those days, who can tell what they might have done?) and "descended to the level of 'evil'" thus rejecting the ethical and moral concepts of Judaism.

Is this the kind of a holiday we wish to propagate? Are these the kinds of men we want our moral and humanistic children to honor? Is this the kind of Judaism that we wish to observe and pass on to our children? Where shall we find the man of courage, the lone voice in the wilderness to cry out against Hanukah and the Judaism that it represents - the Judaism of our grandparents and ancestors?

Where shall we find the man of honesty and integrity to attack the Judaism of medievalism and outdated foolishness; the Judaism of bigotry that strikes down Jews who refuse to observe the Law; the Judaism of violence that calls for Jewish force and might against the enemy? When shall we find the courage to proudly eat our Chinese food and violate our Sabbaths and reject all the separateness, nationalism and religious maximalism that Hanukah so ignobly represents? Down with Hanukah! It is a regressive holiday that merely symbolizes the Judaism that always was; the Judaism that was handed down to us from Sinai; the Judaism that made our ancestors ready to give their lives for the L-rd; the Judaism that young people instinctively know is true and great and real. Such a Judaism is dangerous for us and our leaders. We must do all in our power to bury it.

Parshat VaYeshev: "For the Righteous There is no Tranquility"

For the Righteous, There Is No Tranquility (1993)

Weekly Parsha Commentary by Binyamin Zev Kahane

Translated by Lenny Goldberg

Parshat Vayeshev begins with the words, "And Jacob sat (or dwelled)". From this seemingly mundane phrase the sages teach (Breishis Raba 84): "When the righteous desire to live in tranquility, the Accuser comes (before G-d) and declares: Is it not enough (for the righteous) that they will receive their rewards in the World to Come; must they also request to dwell in this world in tranquility, he was punished with the troubles of Joseph."

Amazing! All Jacob wanted was to settle down and raise a family in the way of Torah. What more could God ask of him? Here was a man beset with troubles from the very outset of his life (including in his mother's womb)- the feud with Esau, the despicable treatment he received at Laban's house, the rape of his daughter and the subsequent fear of attacks by the local gentiles after the daring liquidation of Shchem by his two sons. Didn't he deserve at least at this stage to relax a little, learn Torah, and enjoy life?

However, it is exactly this outlook on life that the sages come to negate. And it is a concept we must drill into our hearts. The attainment of comfort, even if it is combined with a life of Torah and mitzvot, must not be the goal of the Jew. The real tranquility will be received in the World to Come. This world, by its very nature, is one of struggle and strife, and thus it is not the place designated for the achievement of comfort: "The days of the years in this life are 70 years, or, given strength, 80 years; but the best of them are trouble and sorrow. They pass by speedily, and we are in darkness" (Psalms 90:10) The essence of a Jew is selfless devotion and self-sacrifice for G-d, His Torah, and His People.

My father, Rabbi Meir Kahane (may G-d avenge his blood) would frequently bless newlyweds with this blessing. Already under the "chupah", he would tell the couple that he does not wish for them to live in tranquility and comfort but rather they should always fulfill their tasks as Jews with "msirus nefesh" (self-sacrifice). This strange blessing often startled many of the guests. However, it was the message that the Rav continually stressed - a Jew must give of himself to sanctify God's Name. This includes his time, his money, and sometimes, even his life.

This lesson is quite relevant to the holiday of Hanukkah that draws near. One who ponders the sequence of events of the Hanukkah story may be confounded by an enigma: What were the Jews doing before Matitiyahu and his sons began the rebellion? During the period that the Greek entourage traveled from village to village to force the Jews to sacrifice pigs to their idols, why did no one else rebel until then? Were there no other righteous Jews in Israel? This is exactly the point. What differentiated Matitiyahu and his sons from the other righteous Jews was their willingness for "mesirut nefesh". Surely there were many Jews who observed the commandments, but they placed their personal comfort and safety above their Jewish mission and destiny.

The implications for today are obvious, and if there were only a few Maccabees back then, there are even less "Maccabees" today. The slogan "never again" was never intended to mean that another Holocaust could never again occur. It meant that Jews would never again sit quietly, in tranquility, while other Jews are suffering. It meant that Jews would do everything in their power, even at great personal cost, to help their brethren. Let us pray that the observant Jew, who observes with great vigor each and every halachic stringency, will grasp this simple and valuable lesson of "and Jacob sat".

The Truth is Being Set Free - the Light of Redemption is Near...

Never have I seen such honesty in Israel politics! It is absoloutely amazing!

According to Arutz Sheva Yossi Beilin's slogan for his party in the upcoming Israeli elections is (and I kid you not!): "Beilin Will Divide Jerusalem"!

Sharon is (in his own, typically slimey way), showing pretty open signs that he intends to offer the PA/PLO 90% of Yehuda and Shomron - including parts of Jerusalem!

One can only imagine, then, what Labour will step up to offer the blind Israeli voter in an attempt to outdo Arik and Yosseleh...

Well what about voting for one of the "religious" parties, such as Shas, UTJ or Mafdal? Or maybe the "right-wing, nationalist" National Union?... What a joke! As if they have done anything of worth when they WERE in the government! Mafdal - well, we've spoken about them before. Shas/UTJ - same old same old. Give them some money for their Yeshivas and they'll keep quiet while the hellenists divide the Land of Israel among our enemies. NU - give me a break; again, what have they done of worth recently? If anything they're so mixed up they don't know what they want. "Arab cantons"? Or perhaps some other vague "negotiated agreement" with the Arab world. Wow, yeah, I sure can see that happening...

So what other options are there? They way I see it there are 3 - and only 1 (naturally, the hardest) is credible.

1. Feiglin. Ah, so much promise... but just you wait till Bibi wins the Likud primaries. What will all the Feiglinites say then? There has been so much written on this subject it is just annoying to go through it all again, but in short: Feiglin will not win. And if he does so what? The Likud is finished, doomed to lose about 3 quarters of its seats and be left with 10-15 max. And if Feiglin wins I doubt it will be even that because a large chunk of the actual Likud voters won't vote for him, as most of his support comes from Likud members who do not vote Likud but rather wanted to have another dig at Sharon. Feiglin is a sincere man but once the Likud primaries are over so are his hopes of taking over the Likud. Besides, after all they've done, who could bare to vote for such a party of weasels and haters of the Torah?!

2. Marzel. At first my hopes were high but now I'm waivering. His new "Chazit" party doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I haven't heard from them, and if the seat minumum has been pushed up from 2 seats to 3 seats - even though he didn't even get 2 seats when running under Herut - I don't see how he has any chance (unless he suddenly pulls his act together - which at this point would require no less than a miracle!)

Besides, other problems have cropped up in my mind. I just don't feel comfortable with the fact that Baruch Marzel had to get up and reject "Kahane" to get in. It's not that I don't understand why he did it, and it's not that I think he actually meant it - but it's just that how does he expect this all to work? Besides for it being rather unscrupulous (which by itself isn't such an issue for me - for such is the murky nature of politics), but it is also impractical! If he gets voted in - then what?! He can't say what he truly believes or they'll kick him out! But if he doesn't he'll (G-D forbid) just become another sell-out...

In short: if your mind is 100% set on voting, then vote for Marzel - but the problem is: should we be voting at all?...

3. The 3rd option is - as I said - the most difficult... but it is also the most pure and acceptable in my mind. It, too, is impossible to fully enumerate within one post, but I will give a quick summary of it here, and those who wish to discuss it further can do so on the revava.org forum.

We must find an alternative to the impurities, lies and hellenism of the Knesset. The Knesset AS A WHOLE rejected the Torah Way when they banned Rabbi Meir Kahane z"tl h"yd and later his son Rav Binyamin z"tl h"yd. They have not changed, and in fact things have gotten even worse as the rot begins to really set and the malignancy reaches its most advanced stages yet. The alternative HAS to come from the outside, because the Knesset simply will not accept the Torah Derech. In fact, recent events are making this clearer than ever. Whilst one can say "divide Jerusalem! Divide our most Holy of Holies" and it is deemed to be a completey acceptable political opinion; one who declares: "Keep the Torah of HaShem! No compromise!" and actually means it is thrown out of the Knesset. So the Hellenists have chosen.

On the other hand, for the first time in centuries we have an alternative - THE Alternative: the Sanhedrin. Yes it is still in the works, but it has already begun to operate and it is imperative that the faithful of Am Yisrael throw ourselves behind this wonderful, righteous body of Torah. It is time to seperate from the State - but not from the Land, People and Torah of Israel. We must do all in our power to spread the True Torah message to all Jews worldwide and we must make the greatest of efforts to save and protect the Torah and Land of Israel. But as for this rotten shell of a "state"... from within this rotten "seed of redemption" shall sprout forth a completely new and beautiful flower. Precisely when the seed of a plant appears to be rotting away without a trace, something entirely new sprouts forth from within.

No one can deny that the state of Israel paved the way for the Redemption in some way - warts and all - but now it is time to move on. We cannot stay and stagnate and rot in our own nostalgia, lack of vision and unwillingness to move on. As a Proud and Faithful People we must stand and declare that the Holy Torah is the only way forward for Am Yisrael! It may sound vague, but we can only do our own hishtadlut - effort on this matter. Amongst ourselves we must unite and slowly but surely form our own alternative to the State of Israel. Call it a State of Judea or call it something else - either way, it must replace the currect lamentable state of affairs with the Light of Redemption, soon Please G-D...

Preparations for 5th Yahrzeit of Binyamin and Talya Kahane

Jan. 5 is the Yahrzeit date for Binyamin and Talya Kahane, h"yd. Two
blockbuster events are planned:

Wednesday, Jan. 4, a day of Torah learning in Kfar Tapuach, with Rabbi
Yisrael Ariel (past rabbi of Yamit, and head of the Temple Institute)
and Rabbi Yitzchak Ginzberg

Wednesday, Jan. 11, in honor of Binyamin Kahane's Final Message:

Taking Our Destiny Into Our Hands – Jewish Autonomy in Judea and Samaria

Details to follow....

From the Yeshiva of the Jewish Idea: Parshat Vayishlach


Jerusalem, Israel
HaRav Yehuda Kroizer SHLIT"A, Rosh Yeshiva

16 Kislev, 5766/16-17 December, 2005


Today’s headline appearing in the Israeli newspapers stated that America is demanding from Israel to open up the free travel route from Gaza to the West Bank, agreed upon from last month's meeting with Secretary of State Rice, enabling Arabs to travel the roads at will. This came just a day after Defense Minister Mofaz stated that Israel will not open the route because of continuous Arab terror that has gone unchecked. The European Union added its voice with a strong condemnation of Israel for even bringing up the idea of not allowing the Arabs free access to the roads.

And why not? America's foreign policy has always been and should always be what is best for the U.S., as any normal nation's policy should be what is best for itself. With oil and other concerns their number-one priority, leaving behind Israel’s security was a non-issue for them. Israel, though, should have its own agenda as to what is best for it and its people, regardless of whether or not it fits into U.S. policy, as would be the case in any normal country.

Still, when all is said and done, Israel will do as directed by the U.S. - even though this will mean freedom to roam for Arab terrorists who will build an infrastructure of terror in Yehuda and Shomron, which will bring disaster, death and destruction to the Jewish people.

In this week's parsha we read about the historical meeting between Jacob and Esau. "Jacob raised his eyes and saw and behold, Esau was coming. . . and he went ahead of them and bowed down seven times until he reached his brother." Time and time again, Jacob went overboard with flattery for brother Esau: "And I have seen your face, which is like seeing the face of a Divine being." The acts of the fathers are signs to the children, and with Jacob's acts he sets the stage for our long and bitter exile of 2000 years that, without the path that Jacob paved for us, we would surely not have been able to survive. For Jacob instilled in us the strength to make it through that long night of exile.

Still, there are many commentaries, amongst them the Ramban (Nachmanides) who maintained that Jacob was in error and that through his acts of overflattery of Esau, he condemned the Jewish people to fall by the hand of the Romans in the time of the Second Temple. Also, our Rabbis teach us that because Jacob bowed down to Esau 7 times, 7 foreign kings would rule over the Land of Israel, before the kings of Israel.

"And Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until the break of dawn,... Your name will not be called Jacob any more but Israel, for you have striven with the Divine and with men and you have overcome." Jacob's
striving with the ministering angel of Esau takes place at the break of dawn, after the long and dark exile. It is at this point that Jacob is able to overcome the evil of Esau as the dawn breaks into a new day. So, too, his children, the children of Israel, who today have returned to the Promised Land and are at the dawn of the Redemption, after the long exile of 2000 years. Try as the Esaus of today might, they cannot overcome us either, nor stop the Redemption process. And as the dust settles over the Land, they will also concede to us the blessings that were given to us as the rightful owners.

It is time to shed the skin of Jacob and the exile, and take the name "Israel", the one who can overcome Esau and all who follow in his path. It is time that we put our own policies and our own agenda first and foremost, for we have striven both with the Divine and also with men, and have overcome. It is time to act like the people of ISRAEL!

With love of Israel,
Levi Chazen

Today we all know that Rabbi Kahane was right! Help spread the Jewish Idea -
Join the Jewish Idea's E-mail list and spread the word!

No Jews or Dogs!!

I have been following the recent saga in the Red Cross with growing disgust. For those of you who are not familiar with the issues at hand, Israel and its official relief agency Magen David Adom (Red Star of David) has traditionally been rejected membership as an official member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies because of its refusal to adopt either a cross or crescent as its official symbol. When Israel suggested allowing the additional symbol of the Red Magen David in 1949, the organization rejected the request for the reason that "They don't want to have too many symbols." Contrast this to the refusal of the Muslim world to display a cross on their equipment, and the almost immediate acceptence of the Red Crescent as an official symbol. Since that initial refusal, the Arab countries have fought tooth an nail to keep Israel out of the organization; that is until today.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, today is an historic day for the State of Israel, the Jewish People and Magen David Adom. Finally, after over 50 years of ongoing struggle, despite the current objections of Syria, the governing body of the International Red Cross/Crescent societies have approved Israel's membership. Oh, there's just one more thing. In order to join Israel must adopt the newly created alternative symbol the "Red Crystal" and hereby refrain from using the Red Star of David.

Before you get excited, it is not as bad as it sounds. If MDA wants they can continue to use the Magen David INSIDE the red crystal on DOMESTIC and fundraising missions and even on foreign relief missions where the host country is not "offended" by the symbol. How magnanimous of them. Where do I sign?

Yes my friends, you have heard correctly. Jews may finally join the Red Cross/Crescent but only on the condition that they stop being Jewish. The benevolent nations of the world will allow us to join their "club" and participate in relief missions saving THEIR citizens from disasters, but only on the condition that we never G-d forbid reveal from whence we came.

I am not old enough to remember this myself, but I have heard many first hand accounts that in the recent past, even in "Jewish New York", hotels, businesses and places of entertainment used to prominently display signs in the entranceway that said "No Jews or Dogs!!" There was many a country club in the Northeastern US which did not allow any minorities including Jews to join. They still unofficially exist today on Long Island and New England although at least today (unlike the Red Cross), they have the decency to hide their "eligibility requirements". Of course, as Jews look similar to their WASP neighbors, they would often "make an exception" and let you in as long as you paid an "extra" membership fee and promised never to reveal the fact that you were Jewish.

We need to ask ourselves, what does Israel or MDA gain from this newly found "acceptance"? The "privilege" to go and save the lives of people who hate us and won't even allow us to display a non offensive symbol of Judaism on our uniforms and ambulances? Is it really a positive thing that we try so hard to join a club that proudly displays a sign on its front gate "No Jews or Dogs"? Do we need to risk our lives and send our brave men and women over to countries who won't even acknowledge our existence as a people? People who are so repulsed by a non political historic symbol of the Jewish people, that they would rather die than accept aid from "dirty Jews"? Even if this new arrangement will allow Israel to benefit from extra funding, is it really worth the self-denigration that is required to be eligible to receive it?

The Torah records a prophetic blessing given to the Jewish People "Behold it is a nation that dwells alone and is not counted among the other nations" (Numbers 23:9).

How many of us remember this verse in our daily lives and really consider it to be a blessing? We dedicate our lives to being accepted by the world at large and the harder we try the more they remind us that "No Jews or Dogs" are allowed! Sure there is one way to gain their acceptance, and there always has - Stop being Jewish. Maybe we should once and for all, make Jewish history, take the last shred of dignity that we have left as a people, and tell the Red Cross and all other Anti-Semitic organizations of the world what they can do with their membership cards!

Sharon Government to Disengage from Netanya Mall

It has just been announced that for the sake of Israel's security, and as a result of pressure by the American Government and the UN, the Sharon government will immediately be "disengaging" from the Netanya Mall, the site of repeated terror attacks against Israeli civilians. All shopkeepers will be expelled from the mall and given monetary compensation and be provided with alternative stores in the (not so) near future in a yet to be decided location. As the government is unsure as to where to relocate the shopkeepers, they will be temporarily be placed in hotel lobbies across Israel. For the sake of expediency, all of the contents of these stores will be placed in storage in an unsecured location open to thieves and looters, and only be made available to the expelees when a new permanent location is found.

The cabinet decision was made as a result of the latest murderous terrorist attack at the Sharon Mall in Netanya, where a moderate peace-loving Islamic Jihad suicide bomber snuck under the nose of the IDF, bypassed all the security checkpoints in the Northern West bank and somehow managed to cross the "impenetrable" separation wall which PM Ariel Sharon had solemnly sworn would keep suicide bombers from entering "green line" Israel. Apparantly all of Israel's security experts did not take into consideration that the clandestine tactic of hitchikng across the green line might be employed. In addition, the terrorist was spotted by security guards and police officers who were guarding the entrance to the mall, forcing him to explode himself outside killing at least one guard and injuring many others. As this was not the first time that a security guard was killed or injured defending the mall, outgoing Meretz Leader Yosi Sarid condemned the "arrogant shoppers at the Netanya mall" and asked how many good security guards and policeman must die defending them while they "frivolously squander money in peace and security at the expense of our soldiers". "Why can't they shop in a safer place?", Sarid asked. How many of our children must be placed in danger in order to protect these shoppers? The four mothers organization and Peace Now have threatened to pickett the mall until it is closed. Islamic Jihad and Hamas issued a joint statement calling for Israel to immediately withdraw from all malls and shopping centers built after 1967 and promised that there would be continued bloodshed until the Palestinian People are granted equal shopping rights as their Israeli counterparts.

Sharon admitted that although the withdrawal from the Netanya Mall was a "painful concession" and would undoubtedly be perceived as a victory for Terror, encouraging terrorists to attack other malls across Israel, that the "historic step" was necessary for the security of Israel and that nothing would stop him from carrying out the disengagement. "The withdrawal from the Netanya Mall will allow shoppers in all other malls across Israel to shop in peace", Sharon said. He, however, neglected to explain how or why that would be the case. Sharon continued by explaining that "Israel cannot spare the resources to defend every mall and shopping center in the country, it has been decided that any area which has been the target of multiple terrorist attacks or even failed attempts will be immediately evacuated and relocated." "Nobody, loves to shop more than me", exclaimed Sharon, "but for the good of Israel and for the sake of our security forces we must leave the Netanya Mall at once" Sharon reassured Israeli shoppers that worst case scenario, if all the malls in Israel needed to be evacuated, people could always still shop online.

It is still unclear whether the mall will be demolished, or be purchased by the World Bank to serve as a shopping mall for nearby Palestinians from the West Bank. If that is the case, Israel has promised to provide free bus and train service between all major West Bank cities and the Netanya Mall, which would be named after the late PLO chairman Yassir Arafat and proudly fly a Palestinian flag.

Sounds absolutely absurd doesn't it? But when push comes to shove, what is preventing the Israeli government from enacting such an insane policy? After all, people are dying, and are all the malls in the world really worth even one human life? If Israel could "disengage" from Gaza, expelling over 8000 residents who built their homes and made the land blossom with their own blood sweat and tears, why not Netanya also, or Tel Aviv, or Haifa? Are the heroes of Gush Katif worth less than the heroes of the 1948 War of Independence (or subsequent wars) who gave their lives defending Israel from decimation? Once we decide to "retreat" from insecure areas and set unilateral borders where do we draw the line? Are places like Netanya really safe? What will we do when we run out of places to retreat?

Attacks like today's reveal the complete farce of the Sharon regime and the danger of his policies. Sharon promised that building the "Separation Wall", an obscene ugly cement barrier that literally cuts Israel in half, once again relegating Jews to ghettos, would prevent terrorists from infiltrating Israel. Sharon promised that withdrawing from Gaza would usher in a new era of peace and security to all of Israel. Ironically or not, a short time after today's bombing, Kassam rockets were launched from Gaza and struck several Negev communities. Sharon insists he committed to further withdrawals, and following the Road Map religiously, further endangering Israel's security. He has promised to provide free bus and rail links between Gaza and the West Bank. He has opened the Gaza/Egyptian border to anyone who wants to come in, and has invited foreign soldiers to patrol Israel's border. He has joined forced with Shimon Peres and is enthusiastic about keeping alive his suicidal legacy. What did we receive in return? 5 dead Jews in Netanya.

When will Israel learn that there is only one way to bring peace in the Middle East? That building and cowering behind ghetto walls and making concession after concession only exacerbates the situation? That the Arabs are not merely interested in gaining control over the West Bank and Gaza but over every last inch of Israel including the Netanya Mall? Why are security guards trained and policemen ordered to "restrain" and "tackle" suicide bombers instead of shooting them on sight? Why does the IDF allow Arab terrorists so much freedom of movement that they can easily hitchhike their way into Israel in the name of "human rights and compassion" Why is it acceptable for security forces to die repeatedly in Netanya but not Kfar Darom or Karnei Shomron?

Rabbi Kahane presented the solution to all of Israel's problems decades ago. He was not a prophet or fortune teller, he merely saw where Israel's suicidal polices were going to lead us and presented the only solution, the Torah solution. "And you shall expel the inhabitants of the land..." - Jewish Disengagement. How can this be done? For starters by maintaining a Jewish army which operates according to Torah ideology, not compassion for the enemy and a sick distorted concept of "purity of arms". By deciding once and for all that Israel will be a State for Jews ONLY and that Jews and Jews alone will be the masters of our own fate. A State based on Torah and Halacha, not Western Liberalism and Democracy for all citizens.

We didn't listen then and we still refuse to listen now. As long as hostile Arabs are allowed to roam freely in Israel, Jews WILL die. Retreating will not help, nor will building walls, or hiding in underground bunkers. We must stand up and make a decision- Do we want to maintain the existence of a Jewish Israel, or not? If we answer positively the solution is right in front of our eyes and has been since the Torah was given on Mount Sinai. "And you shall expel the inhabitants of the Land..." Arabs OUT, OUT, OUT!!!!
If we refuse, you might actually see the above news story, in the not so distant future, as the Torah continues
"But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then shall those that you let remain will be as thorns in your eyes, and as pricks in your sides, and they shall harass you in the land where you will dwell.
And it shall come to pass, that as I thought to do to them, I will do to you."

G-d save us.

World War One And Forever - By Rav Binyamin Kahane z"tl h"yd


Weekly Parsha Commentary by Binyamin Zev Kahane
Translated by Yitzhak Newman, ZT"L

The war in Rivka's womb is pretty intense. In one corner is Yaakov, who at this early stage is already waging the battle for Divine truth. And in the other corner is Esau, who is already denying God; who basically sees the
purpose of the world as a place to fulfill his needs and passions.

Good versus Evil

This turbulence in Rivka's stomach is how it all started. It is the beginning of the most essential war, an eternal one that has run the course of history. We are talking about the war of good versus evil. This is the real war which dwarfs all others. Whether one wants to accept it or deny it, this is the perpetual conflict that is taking place behind the scenes of history.

In a war so basic, of such substance, there is no lull. These two fetuses, who embody the good and the evil, are not able to stand one another even in their mother's womb. The bitter dispute is already underway, "and the children clashed inside her".

No Co-Existence

This war is the beginning of what later on will be known as the war of Yaakov and Esau. It has already been written: "The halacha is known: Esau hates Yaakov". It is an inherent, natural hatred, one that cannot be extinguished. Our sages add something else, to make things even clearer. They tell us that if someone comes to you and says: Jerusalem and Edom (which is the kingdom of Esau) are both thriving - do not believe him; both are destroyed - do not believe him; one is thriving and one is destroyed - believe him. The sages are conveying us an awesome message here --

There is no Peace With Evil

There are those who feel the time has arrived for "world peace", for co-existence between nations, religions and races of all kinds. The Torah comes and says: No way. No way can there be peace with Esau. These are two
opposites. One is good and one is evil. And there is no co-existence between good and evil!

A revolutionary idea? Hardly. Certainly not for someone who learns Torah properly. For the Jewish People, there is no aspiration to make peace with Esau. On the contrary. According to Jewish tradition, God is not complete and His throne is not complete until Amalek has been wiped out from the world. And who is Amalek? Amalek (Esau's grandchild) is an extreme manifestation of Esau in this world.

Peace at the proper time, and war at the proper time. Yes, we all want peace, but peace only with good, and with good, decent people. With evil, not only aren't we interested in peace, but the Torah even commands us to wage an all out war against it, "and you shall burn out the evil from thy midst!" Nothing less than that. For the war against evil is not a personal war, but rather a mission that God gave us the moment we breathed the air of this world, and even beforehand...


More Divrei Torah on Toldot by Rav Binyamin Kahane:

Living for the Moment Vs. Eternal Values (1993)

The Clowns in Every Generation (1997)

The Galut Mentality of today's "Kahanists"

Now first of all I'd like to point out that I am entirely aware of what an oxymoron it is to suggest that a follower of either Rav Kahane could be a "Galut-Mentality Jew", but things have gotten just that sad I'm afraid...

I want to focus on the fact that just like the typical Galut Jew who has no direction and simply panicks and/or acts irrationally whenever he is confronted by evil and Jew-haters - this too is how many of those who today profess to be followers of the Holy Rabbi Meir Kahane z"tl h"yd act.

Instead of fighting together as a unit despite any minor - and they are ALL minor - and petty differences, we instead attack each other, refuse to help each other, and act like complete babies!...And I'm not even talking in terms of the whole nation or even the whole "religious-public" - I'm talking about simply those who claim to follow the words of Rabbi Kahane!

The Rav taught us not to be knee-jerk reactionist lemmings - but that is exactly what we have become. We shoot ourselves in the foot repeatedly, and even when it is 100% neccessary (e.g. the expulsion of Jews from the Land of Israel), many "Kahanists" refuse to work together. We simply run to the edge of the cliff and throw ourselves off!

It's pathetic. Not only that though, we continually - really again just like little stupid kids - throw in G-D's Face (so to speak) everything He gives to help us. Every opportunity there is to make a difference - we don't! And that is because we refuse to accept the concept of "shiv'im Panim laTorah"! We don't help each other out, and instead see fit to argue about whos way is better - meanwhile nothing gets done at all!


Either we act now or we're finished. As Mordechai said to Esther in the Meggillah on Purim: if you don't do it, someone else will.

No "Kahanist" has a monopoly on the Torah. Of course any G-D-fearing Jew will recognise that the words of Rabbi Meir Kahane are the One Truth - but that is because they are Torah!!! The world - and more importantly, G-D - will not wait for "the Kahanists" to get their act together and act. Every second wasted is a terrible tragedy, and so there is only so much HaShem can take of this. We have a limited time and then I'm sure HaShem will be more than glad to let us sit down infront of the restored Sanhedrin and King Mashiach and put forward our disputations with one another (because it's anyway all just one big "teiku" - to use the words of the Gemara - in that incase anyone hasn't realised, noone is going to be proven right or wrong in these stupid little arguements...). But until that moment - and in order to speed up the coming of that moment - it's time to put this babyishness and arrogant stubborness aside.

Time to take the Galut out the Jew so we can take the Jew out the Galut!!!


Following my previous, most recent post, I am interested in hearing people's alternatives to voting for the Chayil party as just one of several methods of implementing change in the Land of Israel. Seeing as so many people are rejecting the idea, I would like to hear of any other methods and ideas that people have in order to implement change in Eretz Yisrael, and finally bring down the ruling clique of Hellenists...

But I'll say it again: it's not "either, or"! It is true that Salvation will not come through the Knesset, but it can still be used as a tool (even if just a minor tool, but not the ikkar) to help achieve our goals.

However, it seems that some people know something that I (and others) do not, and seem to think that if people vote for Chayil (and remember, I'm talking about specifically voting for Chayil, as it is run by probably the only Torah-true candidate for election - ex-Kach leader Baruch Marzel - who has not sold out to anyone), it will scupper some other mystery plan to implement change.

So nu, what do you guys have up your sleeves?

And just by the way:

Rabbi Meir Kahane always said that the "right-wing" are full of "don'ts": "don't give away land... don't negotiate with the PLO" - and they're quite right about that (even if some of them sell out eventually). But they don't offer an alternative!!! The left at least say "to get peace we need to do xyz", so the people say: "look, it's the only alternative we're being given, so let's take it!"

We need to offer an alternative or noone will choose us. It's time to DO and stop procrastinating and infighting. Even if you disagree that a certain method will work but you are able to still help and take part in it then why not give it a shot? The Kahanist camp is SO split it's a tragedy! Why don't we just help each other out? That way the likelyhood of at least one method working will be greatly increased!!!

So please post your suggestions here (comments) or on the kahane.org forum (on this thread: Alternatives?... ), or the Revava forum . I'm seriously interested to hear:

1. Why not to band together and help each other out

2. Why not to vote as part of an overall strategy to implement change (because like I said, I totally agree that it is not the ikkar),


3. What alternatives people have...

Back to the polls...(?)

Well, here's a quick run-down of recent events in Israeli politics in brief (because I know most people will have been following them very intently anyway):

Sharon decides to leave Likud due to internal pressure, infighting and opposition to his increasingly Labour-like stance, and decides to form his own party "National Responsibility" (that name should get an award for "most ironic name ever given to to a political party"... and with some of the other Knesset parties such as the "National" Religious Party and "United" "Torah" "Judaism [yes, every word there is ironic], such an award would be no small feat!)

Labour, led by their new ultra-leftist leader - extreme socialist Amir Peretz - have decided to leave the government.

The supreme loser of Israeli politics - the one and only Shimon Peres - will most probably join his long-time freind and opportunistic ally Ariel Sharon in his new ideologically honest party... ideologically honest because unlike most other Knesset parties they do not pretend to have any kind of ideology.

And finally, we have confirmation of new elections in February-March.

So now: what does this mean to us as G-D-fearing Jews?

At the memorial service for our holy Rabbi and teacher Rabbi Meir Kahane z"tl h"yd this past Sunday, some interesting things came up that I think are neccessary to thrash out once and for all, namely: should the "Kahanist" public be voting? After all, this state and its Knesset have shown time and time again to be morally bankrupt and anti-Torah, so why have anything to do with it?

Personally, I think that this is a very strong arguement indeed, and my gut-reaction would be to support exactly that idea. However; after thinking about it, I feel that to take on such an attitude here and now would be a terrible mistake...

Instead I'm going to ask the opposite: why NOT vote?!

Now let me explain myself. During the Kahane memorial service, Baruch Marzel (a former head of Kach) was in attendance. Marzel is a determined and honest Torah Jew who is running for a seat in the Knesset under his new party the "Chayil" ("Valor") party, also know as the "Jewish National Front/National Jewish Front". Also in attendance were various other Kahane activists - among them another determined and honest Torah Jew, Baruch Ben Yoseph. Ben Yoseph came out very strongly against voting in the elections and was quoted by the Jerusalem post as saying: "I will not vote and am calling on people not to vote..." ( see article ) some fliers read: "The rabbi's [Kahane] real students understand that today's Knesset is a source of impurity that kosher Jews keep away from. It is clear that if the rabbi was alive today he wouldn't have run for the Knesset and would have forbidden us from doing so"

Baruch Marzel was quoted by the same article as saying: "The people's disenchantment is the exact reason why I need to run for the Knesset, if I don't run then these people will just not vote."

The issue at hand here is simple: pull away from the current hellenistic state, or try to change it by running for a seat in the Knesset, and perhaps taking it over from within. Both arguements are strong - but in my humble opinion, such an arguement is inherently flawed...

Why must it be one or the other?!

We must be honest with ourselves: beggars can't be choosers. HaShem is the King and every single other being in existence is in essence a beggar (those who do not realise this should read Or Hara'ayon for a start...). HaShem is the ultimate One Who directs history - but we are His servants and He gave us free-will - we CAN make a difference! G-D asks only one thing from us in this regard: hishtadlut - effort. If we make our own effort and use the tools He gives us in order to fulfil our Holy Task as His Chosen People, The Alm-ghty will do the rest for us.

But in essence we are mere mortals. As the great and wise King David taught us: our origins are dust, and to dust we shall eventually return. What are we doing here? Do we dare have the chutzpah to not utilise every possible avenue for the fulfillment of G-D's Word? Again, at the memorial service HaRav Yehuda Kroizer shlita of the "Yeshiva of the Jewish Idea" said: "Our goal is the establishment of a Jewish state with a Sanhedrin and Jewish institutions. We cannot give up!"

That is our goal. See it. Now we must go out and do what must be done to achieve that goal. Whether that is by protesting, showing up to prevent the police/IDF from uprooting yet another community of G-D-fearing Jews, running for Knesset, or anything else - all methods (that are within the realm of Halacha of course) must be utilised. For such tools are from G-D (as is everything we have), and in this case we need every last one of them.

And what is this hypocrisy? Rabbi Meir Kahane z"tl h"yd "ruled" that noone must ever run for Knesset? This is untrue! The Rav was thrown out of the Knesset and they banned him simply for what he stood for - and that is: the Torah. Therefore it follows that all those parties who did such a thing stand on the opposite side to Torah. They are our enemies and of course it is forbidden to vote for them! Be they Labour, Likud, Mafdal or whoever! But what follows is that were an individual who IS a Torah-true Jew and who IS G-D-fearing and who IS committed to the ideals of the Torah would be allowed to run, it would be a terrible misjudgement at best and a self-inflicted wound at worst not to use such a candidate as yet another avenue to fight against the current regime.

Of course, only a fool would say "our salvation will come from the Knesset", because at least for the foreseeable future that would be a laughable statement to make. But on the other hand, only a fool would say to not fight the hellenists in whatever way we can and with whatever weapon G-D puts in our hands.

And hey - why not bring the battle back to their own back-yard like in the days when the Rav would get up and not mince any words when telling those fat-cats, hellenists and arabs in the Knesset what he (and more importantly the Torah) thinks of such people!?

And anyway, compared to the other more painful battles, simply filling out a form and posting it in a ballot box is such a relatively easy way of sticking it to the government again!

But what of those who say "he doesn't stand a chance. We'll never get in!"? I say to them: who knows? But that's what they said about the Rav and that attitude may very well have been what got him banned in the end. For had those people who were predicted to vote Kach in to get 20 or so seats in the next elections (had they not been banned) voted in the first place, perhaps things now would be very different.

I'm not pretending that Baruch Marzel is Rabbi Meir Kahane - but noone else is either! It's time we realised that as Jews each and every one of us can do our part. This is not an endorsement of Baruch Marzel specifically: this is just a reminder that we have to fight this battle in every way we can because at the moment we do not have the luxury of choosing how and where we fight it all the time.

And even if, despite the votes, Baruch Marzel does not get in, at least we will have once again shouted loud and clear that we want the Torah - we want the Authentic Jewish Idea - instead of ducking our way out of it by simply not voting!

So let us humble ourselves before HaShem and come together. Enough with the infighting and enough with the indecisiveness! Yes the hellenists are rotten to the core and yes they are powerful but look at yet another opening HaShem has given us to exploit! They are now even more split than before! Check out the polls, see the statistics: this next Knesset could end up so split it will be near-impossible to govern! Shinui and Labour will never sit togethe (not whilst extreme-socialist Peretz is head of Labour, and staunch capitalist (and anti-Semite actually) Lapid is head of Shinui), and neither will Likud sit with Arik's new one-hit-wonder party (as it is sure to be). Likud most probably will not agree to sit with Labour so easily either.

Divide... and CONQUER! HaShem is doing the "dividing" for us, and we need to just open it up even more and irritate their wounds before they can heal by making it into their house of sin and giving it to them there on home turf for the first time since the 80s! Then we can do more from outside the Knesset... with a perfect public platform inside the Knesset!

Time is of the essence but we must still try! Either way we most certainly won't be losing out! We have to rally together and fight each and every single battle as one and with all our strength and with faith in the All-Powerful, Almighty G-D!

We must show them: Kahane Chai!!! In the end - B'Ezrat HaShem - we WILL succeed!

Parshat Veyera (from the Yeshiva of the Jewish Idea)


Jerusalem, Israel
HaRav Yehuda Kroizer SHLIT"A, Rosh Yeshiva

17 Cheshvan, 5766/18-19 November, 2005


And how was your week? In the Holy Land the craziness never stops. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice flew into town to once again pressure and force Israel into concessions that will weaken her and cause more dead
Jews. This time around, the issue was the Gaza's Rafiah border crossing, which Israel has been holding off on, being that this would open an easy avenue for bloodthirsty Arab terrorists to enter. But Rice, being on a tight schedule, made it clear to the Prime Minister that she wanted to resolve the matter before the end of her current visit to the region, which was in 24 hours. For, you know, those State people are always busy-busy-busy! So what if it will endanger Israel? Who cares, Ms. State has a schedule to keep, maybe some pork chops at the White House later in the week?

And, in any case, we all know how easy it is for the U.S. to pressure Israel into suicidal concessions: Uncle Sam talks and we walk. And so, at the end of the day, Israel once again caved in, and instead of having live monitors at the crossing 24/7, believe it or not Israel will get video tapes (not live) of the crossing after the Palestinians first give it over to the European monitors. Right, and of course the Arab terrorists will wait around until Israel can find them.

And while Ms. State was at it, she also told the Prime Minister to open up the roads for freer travel for the poor Arabs and to ease living conditions for them, and lo and behold, wouldn’t you know it, the Israeli government announced it would be easing restrictions on PA Arabs entering the country’s pre-1967 borders to work. This, of course, after restrictions on PA Arabs were imposed some three weeks ago following a terrorist attack in Hadera in which six Israelis were killed. And now the clock is once again ticking until the next time that there will be more dead Jews, but hey, Aunti Rice has laid down The Law.

And what else was happening around town this past week? Of course, the election results from the Labor party came in, now how exciting is that?! Between Loser Peres and Moron Peretz, in truth, we all came out on the down
side. What went unnoticed by the news (because they were too busy celebrating their new false messiah) was the fact that Peretz won the chairmanship only by the votes of the Arabs. Believe it or not, Peres the Loser actually got 300 more votes from the Jewish vote, but what put Peretz over the top was the Arab vote. Think about it, here in the Jewish state the Arabs have been able - democratically - to override what the Jews of Israel wanted! It will only be a matter of time now that the road is open for them to be able to - democratically - change the State of Israel to the state of Palestine.

All of this and more, added to the usual weekly rockets being fired from Gaza to Sederot and drive-by shootings outside of Gush Etzion. The Jewish refugees from Gush Katif are still without a place to live, and the stories
go onand on and on. And of course, this week we once again witnessed the annual bashing and blood libel on the National Religious camp on Rabin Day, on which the media will spare no expense to try to totally destroy the settlement movement. And let's not forget our good friend, the "bald eagle", the prime minister's son, who copped a deal with the state to unload the case against him. If it were you or I, we would be seeing real jail time, but oh, not him - and "justice" has been served...

One could be just sick to his stomach by seeing and hearing all of the above, which is just the tip of the iceberg. Or one can open up the parsha to see past all of this. By Abraham and Sarah, things were also not looking so good. Here Hashem was telling Abraham that his descendents would inherit the Land and that they would multiply as the stars above. A great promise - the only trouble being that there was no one around to do the inheriting. Would it be Eliezer the Damascene or Ishmael? Oh, come on, let's get real! Still, Abraham, the great believer, did not give up but continued down the long and winding path, and in the end, even though he and Sarah were quite old, Yitzchak came onto the scene to save the day - and all of us.

Today, too, we cannot look at the rotten pieces of the puzzle that we have in front of us, but we must rise and see down that long and winding path. And, as in the days of Abraham, when Yitzchak finally arrived - so, too, on our path that we are on - at the end of the day we will surely see the Redemption of the Jewish people.

With love of Israel,
Levi Chazen

DON'T FORGET: 15th Yahrzeit of Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D Motzei Shabbat Parshat Vayera 18 Cheshvan/19 November at the Yeshiva: English program starting at 7:45 pm. Sunday 20 November - Hebrew program including learning Mishnayot - starting at noon, graveside memorial at 4 pm, memorial program at Heichal David 6 pm.

Today we all know that Rabbi Kahane was right! Help spread the Jewish Idea - Join the Jewish Idea's E-mail list and spread the word! jidea@netvision.net.il

"A Fearless Leader" - by Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane z"tl h"yd

This article written by Rav Binyamin Kahane z"tl h"yd in 1996 - 6 years after the murder of his father Rabbi Meir Kahane z"tl h"yd (pictured above) - is still very relevant to us today, years on. These words should serve as an inspiration to all of us in these times of trouble. Perhaps within this essay lies one of the possible reasons for the Jewish People's loss of Gush Katif and other parts of the Land of Israel... Fear. We suffer from a fear. Fear of "what will the goyim say?"; fear of "what will the goyim do?!"; but yet it does not occur to so many Jews of such little faith: "What will He who controls all things say?!"; "What will HaShem do?!" if we do not follow his words!? Surely if for no other reason, it makes sense that we fear the Creator over the creations; the Master over His servants; the King over His slaves!

But as this article proves it is more than just that. For such lack of fear in G-D is more than just illogical - it is an affront to the Holy Name of G-D! And this makes a lot of sense, because surely if Rabbi Meir Kahane z"tl h"yd taught us anything, it is that the reason for man's existence on this world is to accept the Yoke of Heaven (for that, our Sages teach, is the very reason that we perform the Mitzvot).

If we do not fully accept this Yoke then we rebel against our very mission, and thus perform the ultimate aveira - the ultimate chillul HaShem! Because what is "chillul HaShem"? As Rabbi Kahane teaches in his Sefer "Or Hara'ayon" (Chapter 14: Sanctifying G-D's Name): the word "Chillul" (chet lamed lamed) has the same letters as the word "chalal" - which means "empty", "void" - "a vacuum". Thus, "Chillul HaShem" is an act that intrinsically denies G-D and "creates a vacuum" so to speak in His existence! We can learn out from this then that there is then no greater chillul HaShem than an act that outright denies G-D's ability to save and protect us as He promises He will!

We must have faith, and we must fight for HaShem - for HaShem saves those who fear Him!

And so speaks Rav Binyamin:

A Fearless Leader - Six Years Since the Murder Rabbi Kahane, HY"D (1996)

(from: http://www.kahane.org/parsha/3.html#1996 )

Weekly Parsha Commentary by Binyamin Zev Kahane

Translated by Lenny Goldberg

The following article was written for the 6th year's Yohrzeit for Rabbi Kahane.

When people think of Rabbi Kahane, ZT"L, HY"D, they remember a daring and courageous leader who did not know the meaning of fear. His many years of standing in the front lines for Jewish causes in Israel and abroad, confronting empires and well-oiled establishment bodies and enduring along the way constant hatred and antagonism which endangered his very life, inspired admiration in the eyes of most Jews (even if more often than not their admiration was kept in the closet!)

For good reason the Rabbi was perceived in such a way. More than anything else, the Rabbi warned us about the illness of our generation - FEAR OF THE GENTILE. It wasn't so difficult for the Rabbi to come up with such a diagnosis. After all, whenever he spoke to Jews ("religious" ones as well), he was always confronted with the same line: "You're right, but what will America say?..." And thus, there was the need to stress in a big way the subject of trust ("Bitachon") in G-d and the prohibition of fearing mortal man.

It is fear that has caused us to constantly give in and surrender, to the point where fear of going to war has become a legitimate component in our political thinking. But one who studies the Torah outlook on war (parshat Shoftim) will reveal that the central theme concerning war is the prohibition of being afraid! The midrash (Tanchuma, Shoftim) even says: "Your forefathers did not fear them - and they were victorious!" In other words, the key to victory is lack of fear, and faith that "Your G-d is with you!" As an example, the midrash brings down the war in our parsha between Avraham against the four kings: "Do not fear Avraham, I will protect you" (and this is the source for the blessing in the silent prayer, "The shield of Avraham"). And so, when Avraham went out to war to sanctify the Name of G-d and save Lot who represented at the time the side of Avraham and G-d, he fearlessly went out with only 318 men against four powerful kings, and was ready to die in the process - "I will go out and fall on Kiddush Hashem". (Midrash Raba, Lech Lecha)

This concept is also the "halacha", as the Rambam brings down in Hilchot Milachim (7:15) "And when entering into war, one must lean on the Saver of Israel in time of stress... and one must not fear or be intimidated, nor should one think of his wife and children...and he who starts to ponder these things at war time and frightens himself - has transgressed a negative commandment!.." The Rambam continues: "And if he did not win and did not perform in the war with all his heart and soul, than he is like one who spills everyone's blood!"

These shocking words apply to the collective no less than they apply to the individual Jew. If an individual who cannot overcome his natural fears is considered a sinner who has spilled the blood of all Jews, what can one say about leaders whose very mindset and national policy is based on fear of war, fear of the gentile, and tie the hands of the soldiers while they are being shot at!? And so, before Succot last year we saw our soldiers lay bleeding to death before the very eyes of their comrades in battle who sat helplessly by screaming for help, and the help never arrived, because it would have meant having to kill mobs of Arab rioters and murderers - this is all because of the fear of the gentile reaction! If an individual is considered a spiller of blood, what can one say about LEADERS, other than they are downright murderers!!

On the other hand: "And he who fights with all his heart and all his soul without being afraid, and all his intention is to sanctify G-d's Name, it is guaranteed that he will not suffer damage nor will bad come unto him..." Thus is the case for the collective as well. If we fight under the headline of "Kiddush Hashem", "Emunah", and a willingness to wipe out the enemy who is desecreating the Jewish G-d and nation, we are guaranteed to win, and the gentile won't dare open his mouth!

Rabbi Kahane, HY"D, predicted all the events that are happening now. One who reads the things he wrote 15-20 years ago could think he was reading words of prophecy. But no. Rabbi Kahane simply dared to open his eyes and see, refusing to be blind like so many others who were afraid to open their eyes, lest they come to conclusions which would make life uncomfortable for them.

While others were afraid, Rabbi Kahane was not. He fought - and in the end fell upon the altar of the Jewish Nation, with the confidence that his words were not wasted, and in the end the truth will win out.

And if the majority of Jews still don't dare to open their eyes and understand, we the few, the students of Rabbi Kahane will continue to cling to his way, and to carry the torch of truth until we bring the revolution and the Messiah.

Measure for Measure

"This land is ours!!!" they screamed; "Allahu Akbar!" they yelled at the top of their lungs as they marched through the street; rioting, burning cars, throwing stones and bottles as they clashed with the police. And where is this? No not Israel - but Denmark and Paris - some of the very countries that have supported and aided the arab cause for so long!

In Birmingham in England, gangs of blacks clashed with gangs of muslims in an ongoing vendetta supposedly sparked off by the rape of a young black teenager by Asian immigrants. Madness, rioting, death... and all in the heart of Europe!

If anyone has missed the beautiful justice that G-D is meting out to the nations it is not this simple Jew.

After years of supporting the arabs, harbouring the islamic extremists, and turning a blind eye to the funding of arab terrorists in Israel, the monster that the EU helped to create is coming back to haunt them. This is not mere irony - it is the Hand of G-D. The battle of Edom vs Yishmael is moving into full-swing: just as it is predicted in the prophecies regarding Mashiach! Slowly, with each 9/11, Madrid, "7/7", the subsequent invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the now these riots, both the West and the arabs are getting a taste of their own medicine! But for us Jews this justice must not be thought of in terms of "hahaha - we told you so", for this is not the Torah way. As Jews we need to look at it on an even deeper level and thus appreciate just how Great is the Work of G-D!

The West are getting back all of the terror that they funded/ turned a blind eye to/ morally supported against Israel. For all the harsh words against any pathetically meek Israeli actions taken against the "palestinians" in response to their blood-thirsty attempts on Jewish lives; HaShem pays them back in kind, and they are then forced to do the exact things that they condemned the "Israeli aggressor" for doing. The actual terrorism is a part of the retribution, but in my opinion in it not the ikkar - not the main issue here - it is just a part of it. The ultimate punishment for someone who has constantly humiliated, passively fought against and gloated at the misfortune of another party is that the former is forced into the exact same position as his enemy! Yes it is true that the US may have enough clout on the international arena to play down the similarities to an extent - but the rabid dogs of the radical left have smelled fresh meat and are howling against America, Britain, and everyone else involved in the West's "war on terror" now. Just like they howled and gnashed their teeth against Israel for all those years of "occupying palestinian land", they now do the same against the West for "occupying arab land in Iraq"!

The words "measure-for-measure" suddenly spring to mind!

The Arabs/Muslims are also getting a taste of their own medicine too, but I don't think that this is noticed by many people so much though, as perhaps we have very short memories. So let's remember then shall we?

Who remembers 1948? 1967? 1973? Three big wars, three major invasions that - although defeated - the Arabs never really were paid back for in kind... until now. Afghanistan was just the beginning, and Iraq is even more significant because not only was Bavel where our exiles were originally formed - it was also the only country to manage to shoot missiles into Israeli cities (during the Gulf War). Next on the chopping board is either Syria or Iran. Syria has invaded Israel many a time, and Iran has aided and abetted Arab terrorism against Israel for as long as the Ayatollahs have been in power. Now it seems that, if they are not going to be invaded, they will surely feel the wrath of America in another way. The invasion of Iraq is very symbolic indeed. Who would've thought it in 1948, 1967 or even 1973? The mightiest of Arab countries reduced to a bloodbath of invasion and civil war! And hold on... when the invasion of America didn't "finish them off", what suddenly took root? Terrorism! Or "insurgency" as the media now call it... (again, a measure-for-measure slap in the face for both the West (and the Arab states themselves to some extent), who would of course never refer to terrorists in Israel as such but rather as "militants"!) The resemblance to the Arab-Israeli conflict is startling to all those who wish to open their eyes and see it!

This is surely the Hand of G-D, and I have a feeling it most certainly is just a taster of what is to come...


Seems that Sharon is now ok with letting Hamas run for PA elections, which means we could see Arik shaking hands with Hamas terrorists in the not too distant future in some resort in Sharm El Sheikh, possibly on a TV screen near you! http://www.arutzsheva.com/news.php3?id=92391


...This comes after the IDF liquidated another Hamas terrorist - who was funnily enough in the car with an associate of Abu Mazen! (just to show you how fine the line is between Arik sitting down for coffee with Abu Mazen and with Khaled Mashal (Hamas leader)). Surprised?

...It also comes after many statements made by "the bulldozer" (Sharon) himself about how he would "never allow Hamas to run". Surprised?!

...This strange about-turn ALSO comes after another meeting between Shaul Mofaz (Defense Minister) and US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice... Surprised?!?!

Well I have to say, you shouldn't be surprised at all - and here's why:

1. Sharon has proven himself to be a compulsive liar. What he says vis-a-vis Hamas echos certain statements of his in the past about how "Netzarim is like Tel Aviv". Nothing he says should be taken at face-value.

2. Arik has shaken hands with Abu Mazen on several occasions. Now let's just remember: who is Abu Mazen? Abu Mazen is the author of a thesis on holocaust denial; Abu Mazen played a part in the Olympic Massacre in Munich; Abu Mazen has reiterated that he intends to "march onto Jerusalem" and keep up Arafat's (yimach shemo) legacy. Abu Mazen = Fatah = Hamas because guess what - they all kill Jews. So when Arik shakes hand with one Jew-killer, it follows that he'll shake hands with them all! So don't be surprised!

3. Sharon made a statement a while ago that everyone (especially in the right) has chosen to push to the back of their minds because they just cannot deal with it. Sharon said that the Israeli "occupation" of "palestinian lands" must end some time, and he constantly talks of a "democratic palestine, side-by-side with a secure Israel" (funny, that sounds like an oxymoron to me...). Well guess what folks: Arik's already given them some land (Gaza), and now all he's doing is giving them the right to vote for who they really want to rule that land for them - and I garaunty you that the "palestinian" people will vote according to who chalks up the most kills in this war... so Hamas should be front-runners (Abu Mazen please step aside!). But don't be surprised!

So big deal. All the news outlets talk about this as a major political and diplomatic step, but all I can see is a natural progression from what started all the way in the 1970s with Menachem Begin and Egypt...

Two percieved "heros" turned zeros: one starting the process off (Begin), and the other trying to finish it (Sharon) - how apt... Well, we all know what Rav Kahane had to say about that perception of these two (and other) Israeli "heros", ( http://www.kahane.org/meir/oylem.htm ) and he was dead on!

4. The hallowed and sacred law in recent (and even not-so-recent) Israeli politics is clear and you should all know it by now: "I am the lord your god... America!" Israel is effectively a banana-republic in that what the Whitehouse says, goes. The Knesset has abandoned the Word of the Infinite, Almighty, All-Powerful G-D, and has foolishly decided to follow the words of the United States of America (who can't even look after its own people - as the recent hurricanes have shown - let alone Israel's!)...

So, another step in the relationship between the Israeli PM of the day and the nazi Jew-haters of the day is formed. How sad...

But surprising? Hardly!!!

Mafdal finally dropping the chirade?... Again?!

According to Arutz Sheva, Mafdal (the "National Religious Party") have announced that they are "contemplating allowing non-shomer shabbat Jews to join their party" as long as they "keep to the party rules" (but hold on, shouldn't the National Religious Party's rules be the Torah?!... Oy, never mind!). (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=92349) Apparently they want to be seen as more "liberal" - and we all know what that means when such a group still insists on posing as "Torah-observant Jews"... (see reform/conservative movement website for details...).

Now, I don't actually have a problem with this per-sai - as long as it doesn't mean non-Torah Jews actually running for the Knesset on a "religious platform" (because that would be lying, and the Knesset doesn't tolerate liars right?) - but this does perplex me somewhat. Were Mafdal actually still trying to masquerade as a Torah-based party even after their passive compliance with Sharon's expulsion plan?! As far as I knew, the National "Religious(?)" Party had already dropped this chirade de-facto, seeing as they insisted on staying in a government that was actively going about trying to expel Jews from the Land of Israel, thus trampling on the Torah and its Halachot (and even after they begrudgingly left, their "leadership" in the fight against the expulsion was far from laudable...) Rabbi Shapira shlita had already stated that such an aveira of uprooting Jews from Eretz Yisrael is at least equal to public Chillul Shabbat. So nu, what is the chiddush here?! Someone please explain! Hadn't they already announced to us all davka with actions and not just mere words (as is the normal custom in the Knesset) that they had taken the route counter to Torah values?! Wow, Israeli politics sure is confusing! And I'll tell you what'll be even more comical and sad all at once: that the UTJ party (who are actually still in the Sharon government...), along with their freinds in Shas will no doubt have a field-day with this, or at least will be shaking their heads sagely when they hear about it. I mean, how can people just dilute/abandon Torah values just for a warm seat in the Knesset right?!

Oy vey, this is getting beyond a joke!... This distortion of Torah is truly tragic.

Not Everyone is Included in the Four Species

From The Writings of Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane in honor of Sukkot Organs of power at home joining the side of our enemy requires us t...